Thursday, February 26, 2009

Four months old!

Lilly is now four months old. she can sit up by herself for a few seconds and she is LOVING her toys. It is so incredible to watch her interact with toys.  She is a very curious girl and usually sticks her tongue out when she is really focusing on a toy or book. Too cute. Lilly is making lots of new noises, I love that she interacts with us and mimics our noises. 

She weighed in at 13lbs and 9oz at her 4 month check up and got another installment of immunization shots.  Since she is such a big girl not she has graduated from sleeping in her car seat. I won't lie,  it's been a rough road but it will get better, I hope!  
I was able to see my college roommate Sonja and her new son Hakan when I was in Minnesota. We joked that Lilly had her first playdate with her future husband.   Hakan is very handsome although Lilly looked like a giant baby next to him.  It put some perspective on how much growing happens in 4 short months! 


  1. Oh Lilly (said in Lindsey's voice :) ). You are such a beautiful baby, and I love watching you grow up. I love that you have so many people who adore you. And your parents are simply superb!
